You go out on dates and seem to attract “the wrong kind of man?”   Or you end up being in a relationship way too long with a man that was not right for you?

I know it can be very frustrating when you continue to not get the results you want.   It can really get you down and you wonder why even to bother to date. Or you start thinking something is wrong with you.   Or you start thinking that there are not good men out there.   Maybe it is the area and you should move.

Have you ever heard of the statement: “Wherever You Go There You Are?”

There “You” are in the situation or the experience.   Before you get upset and delete this, hold on.   It is going to get better.

The first place to look is always you. The key to finding the “Right Man” is for you is first to take responsibility.   Now, I am not saying you are to blame. There is a difference between being responsible and taking blame. Blame is a way of thinking that something is wrong out there or with you.   Blame is the surest ways to stay in a problem. In blaming we give our power away.   When you take responsibility, you can look at yourself and your life right and think “what can I put into place” that would make a difference in my life right.   I know the first time that I read “Living Magically” and it stated that you “create your life”. You create your success, failures, illnesses, relationships, every problem, everything based upon how you think and your beliefs.     It is our beliefs that create our experiences.    When I read this, it made me feel like a weight of bricks was left off my shoulders because I did not have to a victim. In the past, I would get depressed when things did not work out for me, especially in the relationship arena.  And now I practice looking at my life differently and with more empowerment because I am responsible for it and I can believe in myself to make it happen.

So, how can this help me find the Right Man for me?

Lets first look at how you are thinking. See if this applies to you:

 Relationships never work out for me.   There are no good men. Online Dating does not work.  All the men are losers. I have a hard time meeting great men. Life has it in for me. I cannot get what I want. I will be alone for the rest of my life.  I am a great catch!  I can fall in love!

Are you telling yourself these belief stories?   Pay attention to what you are saying to yourself and the belief stories you have.   This is the biggest step in finding Mr. Right for you.

Because just like I stated above: You create your life based upon the belief systems you have and how you are thinking.

Now that you start paying attention to those belief systems, start to create a new belief system.   Start to focus on what you want.

There are plenty of good men.   Online Dating Works for me.  I attract high Quality men.   Life is always supporting me.   It is fun and joyful to meet great men.   I will have a great relationship with an amazing man.   It is easy to attract great Men.

Now, of course, this takes practice.   I would recommend writing down your new belief systems on a sticky note or in your journal and read the belief systems when you wake up and before you go to bed.

Let me know how you are doing. I am here to help.


Kim Quick